Friday, February 11, 2011

Some Days...

I’m writing this entry to let you know that although I love Nam, every day isn’t just a walk in the park. Some days are extremely challenging, especially those when I’m not getting anywhere in the classroom (and in grade 6, let me tell you, that happens a lot). On those days, I have to fill my head with positive messages just so I can make it through the school day. It goes something like this...

They’re not ignoring you, they just don’t understand. It’s not a constant undercurrent of chattering, they’re just translating for each other. Don’t worry, they’re just as frustrated as you are. They’re not trying to drive you crazy. It doesn’t mean they don’t like you. They’re not trying to annoy you or be disrespectful, they’re just floundering in a new situation. They’re still young and they’re not sure how to handle themselves when they’re confused or lost. They also don’t understand what you’re going through: that you left your friends and family thousands of miles away and gave up many comforts of home to come here and teach them. They’re adolescents, they haven’t yet developed the ability to empathize with others. They’re not trying to frustrate you so much that you leave, they’re just expressing their own frustration in the only way they know how. They want to understand you and they want to learn, they’re just scared of making mistakes. They’re not used to an environment where learning from your mistakes and others is encouraged and accepted. They have a lot on their plate; maybe they were cultivating in the fields all day yesterday or they didn’t eat anything this morning. You can do this, you are not wasting your time, it will work out.

Every job comes with its challenges and this is certainly no exception.