Friday, October 29, 2010

You've been in Nam too long when...

Well, this concludes week two at site. At first the time went by rather slowly (and sometimes painfully) but lately, things have been flying. I think that’s a good sign – time flies when you’re having fun, right?

Although I’ve had to make quite a few adjustments, I feel like things are falling into place quite well. I’ve already had a few moments that made me think Wow, you’ve been in Nam too long! For example, a few days ago I saw a chicken get its head chopped off and I even helped pluck the feathers, all without really batting an eye. I also look forward to eating oshithima (the mahangu-maize meal porridge) each day. And, yesterday, I willingly took seconds of oshikundu (a drink that is made from ferment mahangu and can be a little bitter). Yes, oh yes, I am enjoying it here…

But that doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes have moments of blue. I must admit, I had my first feelings of homesickness. Now, I knew the moment was coming and I’d been preparing, almost waiting for it. I was just kind of hoping that maybe it would never appear, that maybe I’d somehow become immune to homesickness. I mean, I’ve lived away from home for five years now, I’ve studied abroad, lived with host families, traveled a lot and found myself in many strange and unfamiliar situations…and through all that, I can’t remember the last time I was homesick. But the moment did strike, for about two hours in total. Happily, though, I can report that I quickly returned to my regular sunny disposition. But, hey, I made it 65 days in Africa without questioning the sanity of my decision to come….and I think that’s pretty darn good!

So…what’s on the docket for this weekend you ask? Some much needed baking! Last weekend my stove was hooked up to the gas tank and now I have a fully operational stove/oven (at least I think the oven works – I haven’t used it yet). What’s on the menu? First, some homemade tortillas with peanut butter and Nutella melted on top – a Namibian version of Breton crepes. Next, some fat cakes – a Namibian food, similar to fry bread or fritters. Delicious! Then some type of baked goods to celebrate Halloween (and share with my Namibian colleagues & family). My first choice would be pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to find pumpkin (and for all you spoiled American bakers out there, when I say pumpkin, I mean pumpkin – like the whole fruit that must be cut and cooked and smushed to make what we normally buy in a can). Sometimes finding good apples in Outapi can be challenging so pumpkin might just be wishful thinking. If there’s no pumpkin to be found, then I’d like to make some caramel corn…if I can find popcorn. If no popcorn can be found, then a classic but delicious fall back: oatmeal cookies. After my baking extravaganza is complete, I think I’m going to make some lentil soup. As much as I enjoy apples and peanut butter for lunch, two weeks of the same is getting rather monotonous.

And sorry I haven’t put any pictures up. I have so many great ones that I want to post but my internet connection is so slow they won’t even load. So…you’ll have to wait about a month til I’m in a place with better network (Namlish for signal).

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