Inside of the Grade 8 classroom
My homestead (from a distance)
The Grade 9 and Grade 10 classrooms
Inside the principal's office (which is really the principal's office/library/media center/food storage area). There are 6 computers that don't work (to the right) and the white bags are maize meal supplied by the government so that they students can eat after school (a great program!)
The school's library
The office/storage closet that I share with 2 other teachers (yes, my desk is the one with nothing on it!)
Inside the Grade 6 classroom (yes, that is a goat that wandered inside the room)
The bush - this is what I see every day on my walk to and from school (and, I guess any time I want to go anywhere because this is the road that leads from the paved road deeper into the bush where the village is). You'll notice that it is quite green right now, which is something that has changed in the month that I've been here. It has only rained once but somehow things are getting greener!
A soccer goal (and you can see my homestead waaay in the background if you look hard)
A termite mound...and many goats
The Grade 7 classroom
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